Hey Y'all!
Meet the Original Texas Wedding Painter

Natalie Pheifer is a wife and mother of 3 beautiful girls. She was born and raised a Native Texan. Through her youth, she always had a love of drawing and all things Art. Her interests furthered through college studying interior design, drawing architecture, landscape painting, and creating beautiful custom murals. She graduated in 2010 from the Art Institute of Dallas with a BA in Fine Arts and eventually set her roots in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. Continuing to paint custom commissions, she found that special niche as a Live Event Painter in early 2016 after painting a friends wedding. She knew instantly that was her calling! Using her background in interior design, she developed a process of planning that unique scene for each client. Her skills of drawing and painting came together in a beautiful combination of abstraction and realism that sets apart her unique style. Live Event painting gave her that great fulfillment as an artist at heart to create such treasured mementos and to interact with guests as they watch her process.

“Every time I paint a wedding it takes me back to my own wedding day and I’m reminded of all the love and beautiful memories that come through in my art. But nothing truly touches my heart more than to see my 3 beautiful daughters look bright eyed at each painting they see me finish and watch the love of art spread to a new generation.”

Natalie’s Collaboration Christian painting inspires future generations to develop their talents and gifts from God while honoring him through their great works.
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